
RETENTION: Currently we are negotiating with management on various ways to retain employees already hired and how to attract new hires, as we all know this is a difficult task especially the way the job market looks today. We have to find and develop new ways (out the box) to make this happen. As always if you have an idea no matter how big or small, come talk to one of your union officers, we're always ready to talk about it.

STAY POSITIVE: We all need to stay focused on what we are doing, it's sad to say but there are some union members here at TANK and SP that enjoy spreading fake news, misinformation, this is not funny as sometimes it's the new operators or maintenance employee that end up paying the price because of this type of behavior. This union can always be stronger but it will NEVER happen when a few only wish to divide or disrupt what we are doing. So I'm asking ALL to stay focused and if in doubt or question come up, ask someone who really knows the answers-union officers. STRONGER TOGETHER.

Congradulations to DonJay, our new Exec. Board Member, he will be a fine addition to our team, did an outstanding job as a Union Steward, I know he will do a fine job in his new position.